
How long until people stop saying, O-10, you think?

This new year has already been the easiest transition into a new year that I have ever experienced. No new baby, no new medical diagnosis, no new job....no new ANYTHING, just a steady ascent into happiness which is something I desperately needed.

I happily realized that I did a bang up job with my resolutions from last year, except for getting my 6 pack back and getting that 10K in savings, however, we now at least HAVE an active savings account which often stands at higher than the minimum balance of 5 bucks. I consider this a success! We's in a recession, yo!

As for my abs, I look awesome if I lie down flat. I'll work on getting my prebaby body back fo' sho', but I think I can use the, "I had two babies!" excuse forever and always. Thanks, kids!

My resolutions this year are very achievable, and since the chaos has slowed from all-out-insanity to mildly crazy, I have time to really dedicate this year to improving the whole world. I'm grand like that.

Here we go:

Get that 10K in savings. Mama wants to buy a house.

Ignore Jared's food requests and go through my cookbooks and make healthy things that the kids and I will eat. Jared always comes around in the end, he just doesn't know he likes certain things. He thought he hated coffee and sushi when we first got married. So stupid. I'm tired of making that boy shrimp and pasta!

Dedicate time daily to this blog. I can't raise awareness about advocacy at all if I don't take the time to, you know, advocate.

Keep a prayer journal. I was going to do this online, but I think for my prayer life I want to get old school with it. This is something I did when I was younger, and I really enjoyed that. I subscribed to email devotionals to jump start this, and all in all, I want to spend more time growing in God. It makes me a happier more balanced rockstar.

Spend more time doing charity work now that the kids' schedule allows me free time. I am so freaking blessed it's ridiculous. I've done a pretty good job of starting this earlier this year, but I need to keep up with it and not be complacent.

Start my etsy shop. For real. I'm like....10 months over due on that.

Take my boss's advice and stop taking work so personally. I am so emotionally invested it's out of control. I need to step back and just let work be work.

And as always -

Be a better wife.

Be a better mother.

Be a better daughter.

Be a better sister.

So far, this new year has had a very nice start despite the fact that everytime I talk about a tranision from 2009 to 2010 I say, "from 0-nine to 0-ten " I gotta stop that....

Seriously, 10K in savings peeps.

Happy New Year!!



Cassie said...

So, I love all of your resolutions. I have yet to resolve to do anything important other than to stop eating out at restaurants so much. You've inspired me. Anyhow--what sorta Etsy shop do you want to open? I freakin' love Etsy. I could spend hours...no days, browsing through that stuff.

Steff said...

i was gonna ask the same ques! etsy! ive been wanting to start doing something crafty, just havent figured out what yet. planss.

Anonymous said...

Admirable goals. Just be sure not to get burnt out and not do any of them, stick to a few important ones and be dedicated to those until accomplished then move to the next. I have faith you will do just fine.

Side note, you forgot to say "And figure out who my anonymous reader is". But I'll let it slide because you never will.

- Anon

Kel said...

#1. Etsy shop is still in the works, I've been making some sensory related toys for toddlers, but it's not perfect yet. Little thing called "choking hazards."

Cassie said...

Choking hazards? Who cares about those? There are always going to be children who choke on anything (i.e. Emmalee, Allyson, and Lylli.) LOL. I think it's great that you are doing that!! Maybe next Christmas, instead of people wanting the sushi set from Melissa and Doug (or whatever its called), they'll want sensory toys for their awesome children from Kel! :-)

Anonymous said...

Good luck with all these goals, Doodle Bug. :)