
It's Just Work

Today in a conversation with my boss I said, "I am so blessed, that's why I want to help people so much. If I could have handpicked children I wouldn't have found any better than Dylan or Lylli...and I DID handpick Jared...so that's why I want to give back so much - I have it really good!"

This came up during a meeting which started out with me professionally sharing my workplace struggles and challenges(i.e, complaining, complaining, complaining.) We both decided that the things that matter to us are the things that really matter, and getting bent out of shape about scheduling software and personality differences in the office are not worth the stress.

Now, my brain knows this to be true, but sometimes I don't listen to my brain, and that's why I frequently forget to lock the car or put the milk away, so it was good for me to talk this out with someone I respect and to be encouraged to free the unnecessary stress.

I'm really going to try. It's just work. I don't know how the owner would feel if I put that in my email signature, but that little reminder would really help!

Here's to being deliberately aware of how much God has blessed me and my beautiful family and doing a bang up job without losing my mind,

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