
Today I

Cuddled with two adorable, warm, soft, pj'd kids. Twice. Morning and night.

Chitty chatted with my Mom and Dad when I dropped of the kids, had a laugh and felt tons of love. Realized their home will always be my "safe, happy place". Hoped I provided the same thing for my kids.

Worked hard while drinking coffee from Tara and Mike in a cup from Tara and Mike.

Felt the breeze and the sun that comes from the start of a Florida fall.

Kissed the most handsome charm-machine in the world.

Taught a class of 2nd-5th graders about living in space.

Made plans with Laura to make spooky cupcakes with the minis.

Laughed at pictures of my crazy Stephanie and lived vicariously through her antics.

Ate chili that Adam made for lunch.

Celebrated Amanda's new job by clapping to myself.

Window shopped for my almost-here nephew, Sebastian.

Stared at Dustin and Metta's lovely Irene and made mental plans to visit super soon.

Flipped through pictures of my husband's family Christmas gathering from last year and got excited about the holidays.

Took advice from my daughter on what to wear.

Had a knowing smile exhange with my son.

Tucked both of my kids in and couldn't wait to see them in the morning.

Blogged about my blessings, got really mushy after such a beautiful day, prayed for my loved ones, tried to save this moment in my heart hard drive for a forever pick-me-up and went to bed a very grateful girl.

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