
Yin and Yang

My husband J and I could not be more proud to be D*Bear's parents, no matter where this winding and uncertain road may take us.

It's such an overwhelming feeling to know that God could have blessed anyone He wanted to with D's precious smiles, hilarious high-energy and angelic disposition, but he chose us. We're doing all we can to show how much we appreciate this gift - I can't imagine feeling any more joy about any other child in the world.

Except for maybe our daughter Tinkerbell, but that's up in the air ;)

Tinkerbell is 10 months old, and is a walking, talking, hot mess. She crawled early, walked at 9 months, and if there is another baby who can keep you on your toes the way that she can, I would like to meet this child so I feel better about how ragged Tink runs me.

She chokes on something twice a day, (at least!) and I see many frantic poison control calls in my future with her.

We could not have two more different children. While D is sweet natured, cuddly, and passive, Tink is a dramatic, demanding...diva? Can you say "diva" about a 10 month old? I'm her mom, I can say it. Child is out of her mind. The only thing that saves her booty is that smile. ::melt:: That four toothed smile. It's all I can do not to tear up just THINKING about it, and she knows it.

She loves her brother, completely infatuated with him, his toys and his snacks. Come to think of it, maybe we have been wrong all along about her motives for adoration with D. Maybe she just wants his things. That's actually much more up her alley.

To continue, I met up with my mom, dad and younger brother and took the minis to Downtown Disney today and we had a blast! The kids loved it!

D*Bear news - I pointed to a balloon, a tree and an elephant and he looked at what I was pointing at. This is a great milestone for a person with PDD! He knows I am showing him something and he is looking to see what it is. Success!

D loved everything, but was especially impressed with a snow globe (that I ended up buying him) and all the waterfalls and fish. Rainforest Cafe was a hit! We took pictures of him with his favorite character, Tigger, and ate a very good lunch. (Also great news!)

Tink pitched a righteouw fit in McDonald's so terrible that families surrounding us this afternoon will always be able to say, "at least they don't act like that diva in McDonald's during The Trantum of 2009," and I had visions of strapping her to the community changing table and walking away.

Lucky for her, she smiled at me at the last minute.


Steff said...

OMG I laughed sooooo hard @ your last paragraph!!! LOL! & YAY for Dylan!!! Hes super smart & hes gonna beat that ish in no time!!! Hes gonna shut that disorder DOWN! MUCHHH <3<3 xoxox

mike! said...

I've thrown similar fits in the D-Town Disney Whack Arnold's... there's just something about it I doooo not like. Tink knows what's up. ;)

Brettacular said...

Of course she's a dramatic, demanding diva. She's a lady. HAIYOOOOO!!